Katrina van Grouw is a former curator of the ornithological collections at The Natural History Museum, a taxidermist, experienced bird ringer, successful fine artist and a graduate of the Royal College of Art. An enthusiast of historical illustrated natural history books and an expert on traditional printing techniques, she is also the author of Birds, a historical retrospective of bird art published under her maiden name Katrina Cook. The creation of The Unfeathered Bird has been her lifetime’s ambition. The book, described as “a marvelous fusion of art and science, with a playful edge” is due to be published by Princeton University Press in late November. Originally aimed specifically at artists using bird imagery in their work, it is equally of interest to anyone with an appreciation of birds, art or both. Katrina is now beginning work on another illustrated book, this time about the anatomy of domesticated animals. Entitled Unnatural Selection, it will be published by Princeton in 2015.
Grouw, Katrina van